
Hello, Howdy, G’Day, Namaste!

My name’s Natasha (Tash, for short) and I’m a food-obsessed outdoors-lover and travel junkie.

Me in LAI’ve lived in four countries and traveled to over 30, but nothing quite compares to Australia’s beautiful Bondi Beach, the place I’m currently lucky enough to call home. My husband and I moved out here from New York City nearly three years ago, and this blog is as much an attempt to capture those moments of expat excitement as it is to continue sharing adventures in food, travel and fitness.

I like to cook almost as much as I like to eat, and some of my favorite meals are those made simply, with fresh, local produce and very little seasoning; others involve copious amounts of spice and strong, vibrant flavors. I spent my childhood and early 20s in the UK, with a teenage stint in India, and I hold these experiences responsible for my multiple-personality-palette and “spice tooth”.

My family has a long history of food allergies and I try to avoid gluten and eat vegetarian, or at least pescetarian, as much as possible, so you’ll find a lot of meat-free, gluten-free and the occasional vegan recipe on A Wandering Feast. Hopefully it’s helpful to some of you facing similar food challenges.

Lastly, my favorites: I’m a big fan of farmers’ markets, can’t go more than a day without fresh fruit and yoghurt, and I enjoy green juice more than I do dessert. I’m also a sucker for Sichuan, Vindaloo and anything Japanese.

When I’m not thinking about food or travel, I’m enjoying the Sydney outdoors. There’s nothing I savour more than a run along the coastal cliff, a swim at Icebergs or yoga at my favourite studio to inspire and reinvigorate.

So, help yourself to a dose of restaurant reviews, tried and true recipes, street food and everything in between. You’ll also find trip reports and the occasional fitness post along with musings on the tiny, daily adventures that keep life interesting. Finally, enjoy the pictures which, for better or worse, have mostly been taken by me.

Thanks for visiting!


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